The word neurodiversity is spelled out with different colored magnets. Surrounding the word are different brains - one is purple, one is orange, one is red, one is multicolored, and there are others. These brains indicate that people are different or neurodiverse. They can be neurotypical. For those who aren't, we should celebrate neurodiversity.

Celebrate Neurodiversity - The Diversity of Neurological Differences

Neurodiversity is a concept that recognizes and celebrates the diversity of neurological differences in the human population. It emphasizes the idea that neurological variations, including conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others, are natural and should be accepted and respected as part of human diversity. Instead of viewing these differences as disorders that need to be fixed or normalized, neurodiversity promotes the understanding that neurological differences contribute to the richness of human experiences and perspectives. At Blue Parachute, we celebrate neurodiversity. We realize that each person’s and each family’s journeys are unique, and we look for ways to help everyone affected by ASD on their path to a better future.

What Is the Neurodiversity Movement?

The neurodiversity movement advocates for inclusivity, acceptance, and accommodation, allowing individuals with diverse neurotypes to thrive and contribute to society in their own unique ways.

Neurotypical Versus Neurodiverse

Neurotypical and neurodiverse, which are neurotypes, are terms used to describe neurological conditions and differences. Below, we explain these terms, including some of the qualities of people who identify as neurotypical and those who identify as neurodiverse.

Am I Neurotypical?

The term neurotypical is often used to describe individuals whose neurological development and functioning are considered typical or within the expected range. In other words, someone who is neurotypical does not have a neurodevelopmental condition or disorder.

Neurotypical individuals may have typical social communication skills, cognitive abilities, and sensory processing. They often navigate the world without significant challenges related to neurological differences.

Am I Neurodiverse?

Neurodiverse is a term that embraces the diversity of neurological conditions. It is used to refer to individuals who have neurodevelopmental differences, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others. The neurodiversity movement emphasizes acceptance and celebration of this diversity.

Individuals who are neurodiverse may exhibit a wide range of qualities, strengths, and challenges depending on their specific neurodevelopmental condition. For example, someone on the autism spectrum might have unique communication styles, sensory sensitivities, and specialized interests.

Neurological Differences and Intelligence

The terms neurotypical and neurodiverse are unrelated to intelligence. Intelligence is a complex trait influenced by various factors, and neurodiversity acknowledges that individuals with different neurotypes can have unique strengths and abilities. It rejects the notion of a single normal or ideal neurological profile.

In essence, neurodiversity advocates for understanding and appreciating neurological differences, promoting inclusivity, and providing support when needed, regardless of whether someone is neurotypical or neurodiverse. Intelligence is a multifaceted trait that cannot be reduced to neurological status alone.

What Is the Neurodiversity Movement History?

The concept of neurodiversity was introduced by Australian social scientist Judy Singer in the late 1990s. She coined the term “neurodiversity” in the context of autism advocacy. However, the movement gained significant momentum through the work of autistic individuals, advocates, and scholars. The neurodiversity movement is a social and civil rights movement that seeks to change how society perceives and treats neurodivergent individuals, recognizing neurodiversity as a natural and valuable part of human diversity. It emphasizes the acceptance and celebration of neurological differences rather than pathologizing them.

There are a few key contributors to this movement. In addition to Judy Singer, another significant contributor has been Jim Sinclair, who advocates for accepting neurodiversity and autism. Sinclair’s essay “Don’t Mourn for Us” is considered by many to be a foundational text in the neurodiversity movement. There is also the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN). Founded in 2006, ASAN is a prominent organization run by and for autistic individuals. It has played a crucial role in promoting the principles of neurodiversity.

How Do We Get Others to Accept Those That Are Different?

The neurodiversity movement has profoundly impacted the discourse around neurodevelopmental conditions. It has influenced educational practices, workplace policies, and broader societal attitudes. However, like any movement, there are ongoing discussions and debates within the neurodiversity community about its scope and priorities.

It’s essential to note that the neurodiversity movement continues to evolve, with new voices and perspectives continually contributing to understanding neurodivergent experiences.

What Are the Key Principles of the Neurodiversity Movement?

Diversity as Natural

Neurodiversity asserts that neurological differences, including but not limited to autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others, are natural variations of the human brain rather than defects.

Social Model of Disability

Challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals are often a result of societal norms, attitudes, and lack of accommodations rather than the result of inherent deficits.


Neurodiversity emphasizes the importance of empowering neurodivergent individuals to self-advocate and participate fully in society.

Acceptance, Inclusion, and Celebration

The movement calls for accepting and including neurodivergent individuals in all aspects of life, challenging stigmas and stereotypes. As opposed to normalizing neurodivergent individuals, it advocates for a more inclusive and accommodating society.

Controversy Related to Neurodiversity

There is some controversy surrounding the neurodiversity movement, which involves a range of perspectives. It’s important to note that opinions on this topic can vary widely. Below are some aspects to help explain why there is controversy.

Critique of the Social Model of Disability

Critics argue that the social model of disability, which is central to the neurodiversity movement, might not fully capture the experiences of individuals with severe impairments or complex support needs. For those with significant challenges, medical and clinical interventions might be necessary for well-being. Others argue that by emphasizing societal barriers as the primary source of disability, there’s a risk of oversimplifying the complex and varied experiences within the neurodivergent community.

Concerns About Overgeneralization

The neurodiversity movement tends to highlight the strengths and capabilities of neurodivergent individuals. Critics suggest that this emphasis may inadvertently overshadow the diversity of experiences within the neurodivergent community, where individuals may face varying degrees of challenges.

Debates on Medical Interventions

There are debates about the use of medical interventions, especially in cases where individuals may lack the capacity to make decisions about their own well-being. Balancing autonomy with ensuring the best possible quality of life for neurodivergent individuals with significant support needs is a challenging ethical issue.

Language and Identity

The use of terms like “disorder” or “condition” can be contentious and can cause debates on terminology. Some argue that these terms pathologize neurodivergent identities, while others assert that these terms accurately reflect the medical aspects of certain conditions.

Parental Perspectives

Parents of neurodivergent individuals may have differing views. Some parents fully support the neurodiversity movement, while others may feel that it doesn’t adequately address the significant challenges they and their children face.


The neurodiversity movement has been critiqued for not always fully considering the intersecting identities and experiences of individuals who are both neurodivergent and part of other marginalized groups. This includes considerations related to race, gender, socioeconomic status, and more.

Blue Parachute Provides Reasons to Celebrate Neurodiversity

It’s important to have sensitivity and to try to understand the wide spectrum of perspectives within the neurodivergent community and among their families and caregivers. Ongoing dialogue and collaboration between all stakeholders, including neurodivergent individuals, their families, researchers, and advocates, are crucial for finding inclusive and effective approaches to support and celebrate neurodiversity.

At Blue Parachute, we support all individuals affected by autism spectrum disorder. We understand how each person is unique, and being unique is a good thing. As quoted from Stuart Duncan, the author of the “Autism From a Father’s Point of View” blog and creator of Autcraft, which is a Minecraft server for individuals with autism and their families, “Autism is not a disability, it’s a different ability.”

Whether you are someone who was diagnosed with ASD, the parent of an autistic child, the teacher of those with special needs, or a member of the community, we have a catalog of videos created by Licensed and Certified Behavior Therapists. These videos, which are based on ABA principles, are available through subscription pricing, ensuring that everyone can afford as few or as many helpful videos as they need. We have videos that illustrate activities for adults with autism, online autism training for parents, social skills for teens with autism, and many more. Watch our videos and find new ways to celebrate neurodiversity in your everyday life.

If you have any questions about our videos or pricing, you can view our FAQ page. You can also use our online contact form to find out how we can provide you our video autism home support services.


Related Readings:

Blue Parachute – Who We Help

Blue Parachute – How We Help


Harvard Health – What Is Neurodiversity?

Psychology Today – Neurodiversity and the Benefits of Autism