Blue Parachute – Your Autism Learning Partners

A picture of the word autism, with an image of two claymation people pushing together two puzzle pieces underneath it. The people working together help illustrate being partners, and how Blue Parachute is your autism learning partner.

Blue Parachute – Your Autism Learning Partners Your Go-To Resource for Autism Learning and Support Blue Parachute takes pride in being your dedicated autism learning partner. We understand individuals’ unique challenges when they are on the autism spectrum. We also know the importance of practical and effective learning tools and strategies for teaching things like […]

Prompt Dependency: The Good, The Bad, & What You Should Know

A page that reads Prompt Dependency at the top, and a piece of the page is pulled away to reveal the question, "What does it mean?" This indicates the piece is about prompt dependency, including what people need to know.

Prompt Dependency: The Good, The Bad, & What You Should Know Prompt dependency is a concept that plays a significant role in various fields, including Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of prompt dependency, exploring what it is, its positive and negative aspects, and why understanding it is crucial. […]

Flying With Autism: Tips for a Smooth and Safe Journey

A man and a woman are sitting in a plan with a young child between them. They appear to be trying to keep the child entertained. This helps illustrate flying with autism and that there are some tips to have a smooth, safe journey.

Flying With Autism: Tips for a Smooth and Safe Journey Flying with autism can be a unique experience that requires careful planning and preparation. For individuals on the autism spectrum and their families, air travel can present various challenges, from navigating the airport to ensuring safety during the flight. In this blog, we’ll explore valuable […]

The Autism Experience – Essential Skills for Those on the Spectrum

Three words intersected, which are abilities, knowledge, and skills. The first two words are in black, but the word skills is in red, and where it overlaps the other two words, these letters remain red. This indicated that there are essential skills needed in the autism experience.

The Autism Experience – Essential Skills for Those on the Spectrum Autism is a complex, lifelong developmental condition that typically appears during early childhood. Officially called autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it can impact many aspects of a person’s life, including their social skills, how they communicate, the way they handle relationships, and their self-regulation. The […]